Happy Boxing Day!

Hey guys and dolls! Hope you had a happy holiday, or that you will have a happy holiday if yours hasn’t happened yet. As for me, my Christmas was okay. I didn’t get any crafting related stuff, but that’s okay! I did get a nice, soft blanket that I’ve been using as a lap blanket since yesterday. But enough of that. Onto the stitching progress!

I did a bit of work on the big Disney one.


Also, last week I finished up that ‘I hate everybody’ project. Now I just have to figure out how I’m going to frame up that one and the ‘I will stab you’ one to photograph for my shop.


I’m thinking of starting a few new small projects soon, so I have something different to work on whenever I get bored of the big Disney one (which happens kind of often now)

As for the kittens, I do have some new photos for you, but I also have a cute story that happened today right before I started writing this post. Both kittens were up in the loft, and I saw Crookshanks come running down with something long and thin in his mouth. He stopped in front of me, and I saw it was his collar. It came off somehow, and he brought it to me! He stayed right where he was until I put it back on him! He’s so cute and clever. Spooky did a cute thing too. On Christmas eve, I was watching a movie, and she curled up on my shoulder to sleep for over an hour, all snuggled up and purring. It was wonderful.




That’s all for now. Until next time, Happy Stitching!

A couple finishes!

Okay, first of all, I haven’t done any work on the Big Disney. None at all. I’m kind of bored with it at the moment. I’m thinking of new ways to work on it to make it a bit different and interesting.


Second, hey, I have two whole finishes! The first one is Mickey!


Looks good, right?

Another finish is one you didn’t even know I started lol. This will be a new design in my shop:


Yesterday, I started another new design for my shop, and I’m almost finished with it:


And that’s it for current stitching. All that’s left is the kitten pictures!



The picture of Spooky is her laying on my lap, asleep.


Until next time, Happy Stitching!

I didn’t forget about you guys, promise!

I was sick last week. Like, really sick. For several days, in fact.


But I’m here now, and I have pictures! I finished page 8 of the Big Disney project on the 30th, and then I didn’t work on it for a while, so here’s what I have as of today:


On the third, I finished the Ravenclaw crest!


(I hope Magy likes it!)

I’ve even done a bit of work on Mickey:



However, I’ve realized we won’t be getting a decorate-able Christmas tree this year, so I won’t be making ornaments. Oh well. One less thing to worry about lol


And now: Kitten pictures!




So until next time, Happy Stitching!