A slow week for stitching

I haven’t done as much as I should like over the past week, but oh well. I’m going to try to push myself a do a lot more before this Friday, when my sister and two of her kids move in. That’s going to be fun (NOT!) Anyways, here’s the picture:



And now for the Kitten Report:




I love the look on Crookshank’s face in the first photo. Spooky is ‘helping’ me cross stitch in the second photo lol


Until next time, Happy Stitching!

Insert evil laugh here

I did it! I finished page 5! I’m now on to page six, stitching all day long while watching Scrubs, of all shows. It’s a good laugh, but isn’t too distracting, which means I can stitch while watching, and not mess up any counts, or miss any gags on the show. Here’s this week’s picture:



And now for your weekly dose of cute kittens:





As a side note, someone contacted me recently, showing me their shop on Etsy. If you’re into the Metaphysical, go check it out, because it looks interesting!

And while you’re there, don’t forget to check out my shop for a new cross stitch patter (or 10, I don’t mind lol)


Until next time, Happy stitching!

At last! Progress!

Okay, so the section I’m working on now for page 5 is just HUGE patches of different shades of red, and I wish it was going much faster, but at least I have a lot of it done now. Here’s the picture:


The shade of pink I’m working on now still has a lot to go, but when I’m done with it, that will be most of the page, finished. Not bad, right?


Now on to everyone’s favorite part…….. Kittens!!!!!





That’s it for now! Until next time, Happy Stitching!

Foiled! Oh how I hate illness.

So I was sick this week. Like, really sick. Sick to the point where I only moved to go to the bathroom. As such, I didn’t get much work done at all. I did do some, though, so here’s the picture:



And, as always, here’s some kitten pictures! Crookshanks was being very cuddly last night, so I got a picture of that, and Spooky was watching her favorite show- ‘Deep sea fishing’:




So until next time (let’s hope I get more done! lol) Happy Stitching!