Foiled again!

Cross stitch: I found out I’m missing another 4 colors. 4! But I ordered them, and will be getting them soon, so there’s that. Also, is it just me, or does the rose not look like a rose?Anyways, here’s this week’s picture:


Knitting: Clue 4 is done, and it’s just stockinette stitch on this clue and the final clue (5) so that will be a bit of nice, mindless knitting. Here’s that picture:


The picture actually turned out kinda true to color, so you guys finally get to see just how awesome this yarn is!


In other updates: I’m freaking sick again. I got sick late Friday evening, and have been sick all through this weekend. Until I get better, my crafting time is going to go waaaaaay down, because I just get too dizzy trying to focus on small things right now. Oh well.


Until next time: Happy stitching!

So much more done!

Main update: I have a lot of page one of my Disney Princess cross stitch done now. I’m loving it so much, but it’s also slow going right now. Anyways, here’s the picture:



Knitting update: I’ve finished clue 3. The colors aren’t coming out right in this picture, but at least it shows you the stitches. I like this pattern because it really is something new with each clue. Here’s the picture:



So there it is. That’s all I have for this week. Until next time- Happy stitching!

A finished project! And a few updates

YES! On 3/10/16 I finished my Philipp Burger cross stitch! Here’s the picture:


I like the way it turned out, except for those blasted lines that wont go way. Oh well. They really aren’t that visible in person.

As for the other, much more epic-ly sized cross stitch? I’ve got a bit more done. I took a break from it yesterday to do my knitting, but I’m getting back into it today. Here’s the picture so far:


Plus, I now have a Q-snap frame! I made it myself except for the snaps, which I ordered online. Here’s the project sitting in the frame (okay, I know it looks a little weird, but that’s because I only have two snaps in right now. The others still haven’t arrived):


That knitting I mentioned? I’ve finished clue two yesterday. Here’s a small sampling of what it looks like now:



That’s it for now. If you have an questions or comments, feel free to post them. Until next time- Happy Stitching!

New Project and More Progress!

Hello everyone! I recently got in some more black thread (six skeins!) and stitched all day yesterday. I was out of commission on Saturday because of a serious, all freaking day and night long migraine, but hey, I’ve made some serious progress on my Philipp Burger cross stitch. As of this morning, it looks like this:



I adjusted the color on it so you could see it a bit better. The black doesn’t look so spotty in real life.

I‘ve also made some progress on the big Disney Princess piece. I did a quick count of the page I’m working on, and it has nineteen different shades of blue. Nineteen! But alas, it will look AWESOME! Here’s the progress so far:


It is just a small section of the fabric, so I still have a looooong way to go, but so far I’m happy.


On to the new project!

I’m taking part in an MKAL (mystery knit along for those who don’t know) called ‘Fight the Fairies’ and is inspired by a specific episode of the tv show Supernatural. The first ‘clue’ has us making knitted points as the start of our shawl. This is what I’ve knitting following the pattern so far:


It’s knit in Damselfly Yarn, fingering weight ‘sturdy sheep’ in a color I don’t remember because I got it years ago, but looks awesome.


That’s it so far. Until next time- Happy Stitching!

I ran out of black… again…

I ran out of black thread again on the 29th. I don’t know when I’ll be getting more in, and I still have to order the two other colors I’m missing, so I’ve started a new project. In the mean time, here’s the Philipp project:



For the new project: I don’t have a picture of what the finished item will look like, but I can tell you it has four Disney Princesses, and Tinkerbell. It’s going to be thirty inches by twenty-one inches. Here’s the cloth graphed, and part of one square started-

